A key date in the history of SRSDC is the July 31st 1983. On this day Charlene Wasson, Rob and Chris Simpson along with Kevin and Michelle Bisset and John Wheeler went to the Taieri Mouth forest near Dunedin and 'hooked up' three Siberian Huskies; Kavik, Chiak and Apolotok.
This is known to be the first ‘harness up’ of today’s sled dog racing scene.
About this date the original Southern Regions Sled Dog club was inaugurated, previously named Otago Sled Dog Racing Association. In 1997 the name was changed to Southern Regions Sled Dog Club to incorporate the larger geographical area the Club covers.
In 1986 the club organised the very first dryland sled dog race in NZ.
This was at Berwick forest, Dunedin and is now commemorated every year as the “The Origin” race.
Early stalwarts of the club were Rob & Chris Simpson and John Wheeler and it is these people we have to thank for getting the sport of sled-dog racing up and running in NZ
In 1991 John Wheeler and Rob & Chris Simpson organize and hold NZ’s very first snow race up at the Waiorau Nordic Ski-field, Wanaka.
1992 did not have a snow race, but 1993 saw the start of regular snow races (with the exception of 1995) earlier known as the "Classic Dog Sled Race", and then from 1996 was called the 'Wanaka Sled Dog Festival', this name remains today and racing is held at the Snow Farm, Wanaka.
How to Join SRSDC
Click here to go to our Entry Packs page to obtain a club membership form or send us an email.